Air India’s Employment Policy Changes May Come into Effect After March
January 13, 2023: New Delhi: Tata-owned Air India, which landed in soup last month after a drunk man urinated on a fellow passenger in the carrier’s business class, will have to wait a little longer to implement its new employment policies. Carrier is facing charges of insufficient prosecution of an intoxicated person.
The Tata-owned airline will now have to wait two months, or until March, to roll out new HR policies, which aim to improve accountability and also introduce a performance-based culture.
If employees know they are accountable for their performance and are evaluated, change will be faster, officials close to the development told The Economic Times.
According to the terms of the acquisition signed between the two parties, Tata Air India cannot change the “terms of employment” of employees for one year.
If there is any significant change in the policy, it could be implemented only after March this year, added one of the people quoted above.
While the new service agreement was supposed to come into effect on January 1, it was postponed due to opposition from unions.
As part of its new policy, the carrier is preparing a detailed stock options policy to motivate staff and improve performance.
Additionally, Air India’s new management team has also worked on a service agreement that includes key performance indicators and key result areas, according to a person in the know.
However, the new policy is likely to be challenged by unions who have already written to the Chief Labor Commissioner. The unions said any change in the terms of service would be illegal.
Additionally, Air India’s new management team has also worked on a service agreement that includes key performance indicators and key result areas, according to a person in the know.
However, the new policy is likely to be challenged by unions who have already written to the Chief Labor Commissioner. The unions said any change in the terms of service would be illegal.
We are focused on implementing the Tata Code of Conduct by removing biases and biases in the organization.
We encourage interactive feedback and ask employees to look at facts and data and not be swayed by rumors and speculations, the official added.
Meanwhile, Air India CEO Campbell Wilson had earlier said the airline would also move away from a decentralized regional structure to a new centralized functional for greater accountability.
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