All You Need to Know about Business Travel in the Time of COVID-19

Business Travel

For a while, all business travel was put on hold. However, since the situation hasn’t repaired itself as fast as we hoped it would, many of us need to return to business travel even with the pandemic raging.

But can you travel in the time of COVID-19 and stay healthy? The answer is yes! With the following tips, you will stay safe from COVID and keep other people around you healthy. And of course, you’ll manage to handle all your business tasks and make new valuable connections.

Is air travel safe?

Most people don’t feel comfortable sitting in a tiny cabin with dozens of other people around, but the truth is that most airlines have boosted their cleaning schedule and have top-notch cleanliness.

Also, according to research, cabin air is very safe since cabins are equipped with HEPA filters that recycle and refresh the air every few minutes.

However, what you need to pay attention to are your hands. Make sure to touch as few things as possible, disinfect your hands often and avoid touching your face while walking and sitting in any public space, airplane included.

Buy good travel insurance

Standard travel insurance plans mostly don’t cover any losses due to the pandemic but make sure to read the fine print anyway, just to be sure.

What you can do to prevent losing money is get independent travel insurance that contains “cancel for any reason” or “change of mind” coverage.

This way, you can get your money back in case you need to cancel your business trip to do issues in the company or certain new travel restrictions.

Choose clean accommodation

The best thing you can do for your health when it comes to accommodation is to choose an apartment that will allow you to be alone and isolated from other travelers.

If you’re looking for serviced studios for rent, you’re making a great move because these provide ultimate privacy yet top-notch cleanliness and many practical services.

And if you have colleagues staying at the same building, you can meet at the social areas that are usually spacious and share coffee. You will have all the privacy you need but also have company when you need to relax.

Always wear a mask

We know, wearing a mask can be very bothersome, especially if you’re traveling somewhere very hot and humid (temperatures there already make it hard to breathe).

However, masks offer one of the best ways to stay protected from the virus and prevent the spread of germs.

And if you’re traveling to Asian countries, you will fit right in with your mask, even when wearing a suit and attending a business meeting—they have a strong culture of wearing face protection.

Stock up on disinfectants

Today, you can find tiny bottles of hand sanitizer, even bottles specially made to get through the airport security and get on board.

Make sure to treat your hands with this solution whenever you get in contact with a lot of people or different sketchy surfaces.

And make sure to always wash your hands after visiting a toilet and be careful around feces. Feces can contain the virus so always wear a mask in the public toilet and close the lid before flushing.

Avoid handshakes

How can you avoid handshakes on a business trip? You’ll meet a lot of people on your trip and make many deals, but you can always replace full-contact handshakes with fist bumps or elbow touches. This way, you will show respect towards your partners yet keep everyone safe from the virus.

Take good care of your overall health

It’s easy to overexert yourself while traveling, especially for work. Jet lag, new cuisine, crazy tempo can all result in dehydration, fatigue and loss of weight.

But make sure to take good care of your health on the road—business is not the most important thing in your life, no matter what you might think.

To keep your immune system strong and allow your body a good chance to fight the virus, eat plenty of nutritious things, drink water and tea and even pack a few supplements such as vitamin D and C, magnesium, zinc and selenium (these are great for keeping your safe from getting sick).

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If you take good care of your health and follow all the safety protocols, you can advance your career while keeping yourself and everyone around you safe and healthy.