Angular Best Practices: Take Your Coding Skills To The Next Level

angular practices

This article introduces Angular best practices and how to implement them in your project. These practices will help you become a highly skilled developer.

By Bhavik Trivedi: You should always try to follow Angular best practices every time you create an Angular app.

They are not complex rules, but they are definitely helpful in many cases to make your app better and more efficient. It will help you understand how to use Angular to its full potential. You can use these Angular Best Practices to build robust, scalable, and easy-to-maintain applications.

Angular best practices will help you avoid making mistakes along the way if you read and apply them in their full depth. Understanding these pitfalls will help you create applications with a higher success rate and lower maintenance costs.

Following are the Angular best practices to follow for developing Angular apps: 

Leverage Angular CLI

Angular CLI is a Command-Line Interface for Angular. It makes it easy to develop high-quality apps faster and more efficiently. It provides best practices to help you build your project with confidence.

It is a tool for scaffolding and building Angular applications quickly, easily, and in an organised way. To get started using Angular CLI, follow the setup instructions, which are explained below:

These steps/commands will work in almost all the Angular versions with minor changes.

  • For installation – npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Create a new application – ng new
  • Create test shells for the development of pipes, routes, and components – ng create
  • For an app that is developed on local servers and needs to be tested in the developing phase – ng serve
  • For end-to-end testing – ng test
  • Create a code shine – ng lint
  • Setup an Angular service worker – ng add @angular/PWA.

Break Large Components Into Smaller Reusable Components 

Breaking large components into smaller reusable components is not a new approach, and it has happened in every type of software development.

It’s challenging to manage large components into reusable components in Angular. So, the Angular team has released best practices to help developers break large components into smaller reusable components.

However, breaking large components into smaller reusable components helps in reducing code size and complexity.

In the following ways, one can split large components into smaller reusable components:

  • Use ng-bootstrap or ng-bootstrap-starter
  • Break up your app’s logic into separate services
  • Use dependency injection to make sure that your app stays clean and testable
  • Avoid using global variables

Create A Simple Folder Structure

The Angular framework has many different components, but they are all structured in the same way. The best practices for structuring your Angular code are:

  • Components should be placed in their own folder with the same name as the component’s class file. For example, “components/home/home.component.ts”
  • Each component must have its own folder with a name that describes what it does (for example, home). Any necessary files for that particular component should be inside this folder, such as controllers, directives, and pipes.
  • Each module should have a folder named “modules.” This will contain all the other modules in a single folder that are necessary for the module.
  • All of your routes and components will be inside a folder called app.- Within each component and module, files should be named to describe what they do (for example, “home/home.component.html”).

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique used by Angular developers to load all the necessary files in the browser when they are needed.

This helps reduce the initial load time and makes your app more responsive and performant. Angular has built-in support for lazy loading, but you can also use third-party libraries like Service Worker or Webpack to implement it in your project.

To lazy load a component in Angular, you can use the ng-lazy directive. The ng-lazy directive is based on Angular’s lazy loading behavior.

It will only load a template and component when it needs to be rendered. The component is then cached in memory, so if you request it later, there is no need for further requests to the server.

Cache API Calls

One of the essential metrics of Angular applications is speed and performance. With the cache API calls, we can improve the performance of our applications by reducing server load and making our users experience faster loading pages.

To add caching to an Angular application, we need to know when and how to use the service. Here is the answer: The Angular CLI includes a command called ng g cache which will perform an audit of your application and uses the Angular Cache Service to help you implement caching.

Proper State Management

State management is a common problem that Angular developers face and one of the important concepts that they need to understand.

It is a challenge to properly manage the application’s state, especially when we need to make changes in the front end.

The following are some best practices that can help us manage state effectively in Angular applications:

  • Use an Observable to track changes made on the application and use it to trigger actions on other parts of the app
  • -Use Redux as our store for all data related to our app
  • Create separate components for each piece of data that needs to be managed by a component
  • Create one single component with multiple subcomponents and use this component as an export in other components

Lint Angular Code

Linting Angular code means running it through a program that checks for common errors and makes sure that Angular code adheres to best practices. There are two ways to do this process, manually or using an automated tool—, such as Liner.

Linting Angular code means running it through a program that checks for common errors and makes sure that Angular code adheres to best practices.

It helps them to write better and more readable code. It also checks for potential errors, including unused directives and variables, unused services, unused expressions, etc. Lint is also useful for debugging purposes because it can be used to view the errors in your app without restarting the app or browser.

Document The Code Always

Angular is constantly evolving the framework and adding new features to it. In this case, it is a must to document the code; this will help developers understand the codes written in the future and make it easier for other developers to work with your codes.

It is recommended to document each variable and method for better understanding. This will help them increase their productivity and make their work more efficient by not having to reinvent the process every time they start a new project. 

Wrap Up

Following these Angular practices will definitely take your coding skills to the next level. Apart from that, the Angular app development process will be smoother, more accessible, and shorter. And also, the app will be free from bugs, high-performant, and less bulky.

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Developers at EnProwess follow best coding practices and ensure apps provide the best user experience. If you want more information on Angular best practices, please feel free to visit our website.