Mutual Fund Company in India, Axis Asset Management Co. Ltd, Axis Mutual Fund
Axis Mutual Fund, 100% subsidiary of Axis Bank is one of the leading Mutual Fund Companies in India, launched the first investment scheme in October 2009. The mutual fund company has evolved as a potential investment hub. Formerly known as UTI Bank, Axis Bank is one of the most reputed and trusted private banks of India.
The asset management company offers various investment plans and mutual fund schemes including Hybrid Funds, Gold Fund, Equity Funds, Fixed Income Funds, and more. The mutual fund company specializes in executing various investment schemes to cater to investor’s needs both fixed income as well as in equity space.
The company is known for its wide variety of flexible investment schemes like Fixed Income Funds, Equity Schemes, Hybrid Funds, Tax Saver Funds, etc. AXIS AMC is one of the fastest-growing asset management companies of India.
AXIS Mutual fund Schemes:
- Hybrid Funds: Axis Triple Advantage Fund, Axis Income Saver
- Equity Funds: Axis Equity Fund, Axis Long Term Equity Fund, Axis Midcap Fund, Axis Focused 25 Fund
- Fixed Income Funds: Axis Liquid Fund, Axis Treasury Advantage Fund, Axis Short Term Fund, Axis Dynamic Bond Fund
- Gold Fund: Axis Gold Fund, Axis Gold ETF
Here you can find business information about AXIS Mutual Fund such as company profile, business address, contact Nos., products & services and nature of the business, etc. At SugerMint, the mutual fund company listed in the Investment & Finance Business category.
AXIS Mutual Fund Registered Office:
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Name of AMC: Axis Asset Management Co. Limited
Business Address: Axis House, First Floor, C-2 Wadia International Centre, Pandurang Budhkar Marg Worli
City & Pin Code: Mumbai 400013
State & Country: Maharastra, India
Toll-free Number & Customer Care Numbers: 8108622211 / 1800 221 322
Business Category: Investment & Finance
Type of AMC: Mutual Fund Company, Asset Management Company