Cadila Pharma launches osteoporosis biosimilar in India

Cadila Pharmaceuticals_NuPTH

Ahmedabad-based Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited has announced the launch of NuPTH an Osteoporosis biosimilar of Forteo in India.

The Forteo biosimilar is used for the treatment of osteoporosis and in patients with increased risk of fracture.

India is the Osteoporosis capital of the world. It is a very common problem. As per a study in 2003 the number of osteoporosis patients in India were approximately 26 million. It is estimated that by 2050, half of the world’s fractures will occur in Asia.*

“Difficulty in use and early drop-outs is often cited as a common reason for non-compliance of osteoporosis medication.

The medication is primarily used by people of 50 years and above. We realized that if the delivery system is complex, people stop using it.

The ease of use of delivery device is as important as the development of new drugs. The biosimilar NuPTH aims to be a cost-effective solution for patients and will be sold as an easy to use, pre-filled disposable pen,” shared Amit Ajmera, Vice President, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited.

“Cadila has always been committed to quality and affordable care. With the launch of NuPTH, we intend to strengthen our orthocare portfolio and help increase choice, and access for osteoporosis care to patients in the Indian Market.

NuPTH builds new bones with ease, and we want all patients to have access to it. Biosimilars market is a focus area for us and we will continue to strengthen our portfolio”, said Mr. O.P. Singh, President -Sales and Marketing, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited.

NuPTH is the third biosimilar announced by the organization in the past one month. The pharma giant has recently launched Rituximab and Bevasizumab biosimilars, recommended in multiple indications under the brand names Ritucad™ and Bevaro™ respectively.

August 4 is celebrated as National Bone and joint day by Indian orthopedic association. Lack of Nutrition is often cited as the cause of brittle bones.

While supplements, help in prevention of osteoporosis, the biosimilar product is the only agent which helps build new bones.

Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ( is one of the largest privately-held pharmaceutical companies of India.

It has recently concluded and cleared USFDA inspection successfully in February 2020. Over the past six decades, Cadila Pharmaceuticals has been engaged in the development and manufacturing of affordable medicines and in making them available for patients across the world.

Its innovation-driven drug discovery processes ensure the health and well-being of people around the world.  

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*Sengodan VC, Sivagnanam M, Thiagarajan N, Vellaiyan S. Evaluation of osteoporosis among medical and paramedical staffs in a tertiary health-care hospital in India. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2019;10:29-33