Chanda Narang, Woman Entrepreneur & CEO of Frazer and Haws

Chanda Narang-Frazer and Haws

Chanda Narang, Woman Entrepreneur & CEO of Frazer and Haws

If asked to describe the CEO of Frazer & Haws, Chanda Narang’s life in two words, there can be nothing more apt than “ shifting sands “

From studying to be a neurosurgeon, to making documentary films on controversial issues, to being the torch bearer of a 300 year old legacy Chanda has proven her mettle and like the noble metal that her company is known for she has been through the fire and hammered at the anvil to be honed and shaped into who she is today.

Chanda picked up the mantle in 1991 when she took over the workshop of Frazer and haws, at that time an export-oriented unit which was losing money hand over fist. 

F&H desperately needed someone to head their business in India and like everything in Chanda Narang’s life it wasn’t going to be a role that was to fit like a glove from the word go, but one that she shaped to fit as per her standards and interpretation.

To the principals, silver was serious business, conventional and traditional, an object of reverence and to their derision she wanted to change the serious and traditional into “art expression” and bring it into the everyday. 

She believes that it is important to carry forward a legacy, but disrupting it is even more vital as the harbinger to evolution. 

Like on shifting sands, one needs to keep moving with the flow, using intuitive intelligence to navigate the spaces life presents and give it a direction.

Life then sets its own momentum. Her team and she experimented with the humblest of materials ‘clay’ and married it with silver changing all that was traditional to the irreverent and instead of the classic and staid, she decided to use silver as a medium for storytelling in a fun way and decided to go into retail.

That experiment was so hugely successful that it went on to change the way that silver was being put together and retailed across Europe. 

In her words, “ You need to set your own unchangeable truth, which defines your purpose…mine is and has been integrity and gratitude and it is this truth that becomes your unshakable guide through the shifting sands of life”. 

Chanda continues to live her life like the lyrics of the song 

“They say that I will follow To where my heart commands For I was born to wander Like the shifting of the sands”

And you can be sure,  whenever she feels that Frazer and Haws finds itself straying onto the path well-trodden, she’s going to find away to break the mould and continue to Re-invent.

About Frazer and Haws:

Silver from the terrene of purity, Frazer and Haws is a 150 year old British heritage brand that contributes to create heritage pieces which are Art in Silver. Frazer and Haws prides itself for being the first choice of the crème de la crème.

Frazer and Haws has not just given a new definition to authenticity and creativity in silver but has also refashioned an era of silver by quintessentially marrying it with royalty and divinity.

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