DSP Mutual Fund, Mutual Fund Company in India, DSP Investment Managers Private Limited
DSP Mutual Fund in India, manage by DSP Investment Managers Private Limited is one of the premier asset management companies in India. The DSP Group is one of the oldest financial services firms in India. The company is the largest listed asset management company in the world.
The asset management company was one of the founding members of the Bombay Stock Exchange and has a track record of over 145 years. The company has a deep presence in every major capital market in the world. It is a joint venture between the BlackRock and DSP Group.
The company engaged in providing a wide range of investment solutions through a variety of product structures including individual and institutional separate accounts. The mutual fund company has talented professionals to provide quality service to its investors.
The company maintains offices in 26 countries around the world, employs more than 9,300 employees, and managing assets for investors in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East.
The mutual fund company also provides mutual fund calculator, SIP Calculator, Returns calculator, Asset Allocation Tool, investment news, investment services, mutual fund NAV, and investment portfolio, more on the website to invest online.
Fixed Income Schemes
- DSPBR Liquidity Fund
- DSPBR Banking & PSU Debt Fund
- DSPBR Income Opportunities Fund
- DSPBR Treasury Bill Fund
- DSPBR Bond Fund
- DSPBR Money Manager Fund
- DSPBR Government Securities Fund
- DSPBR Strategic Bond Fund
- DSPBR Short Term Fund
Equity Schemes
- DSPBR Micro Cap Fund
- DSPBR Focus 25 Fund
- DSPBR India T.I.G.E.R. Fund
- DSPBR Top 100 Equity Fund
- DSPBR Technology Fund
- DSPBR Equity Fund
- DSPBR Small and Mid Cap Fund
- DSPBR Natural Resources and New Energy Fund
- DSPBR Tax Saver Fund
- DSPBR Opportunities Fund
Fixed Maturity Plans
- DSP BlackRock FMP – Series 128 – 12M
- DSP BlackRock FMP – Series 127 – 3M
Hybrid Schemes
- DSPBR Balanced Fund
Here you can find business information about DSP Mutual Fund such as company profile, business address, contact Nos., investment schemes, products & services and nature of the business, etc. At SugerMint, the mutual fund company listed in the Investment & Finance Business category.
UTI Mutual Fund Registered Office:
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Name of Business: DSP Investment Managers Private Limited
Business Address: 302, NATRAJ, 3rd Floor, MV Road Junction, Western Express Highway, Andheri (East)
City & Pin Code: Mumbai 400051
State & Country: Maharastra, India
Toll-free Number & Customer Care Numbers: 1800 200 4499
Business Category: Investment & Finance
Type of AMC: Asset Management Company, Mutual Fund Company