How Much Does Dental Cost in Canada?

Dental Cost in Canada

Dental implant cost is 300-600$ per tooth; if you have more teeth, then it increases. It very much depends on the type of treatment and dentist.

For my previous dental work, I paid CAD 900 for a bridge, which isn’t all that bad compared to other places.

I usually ask friends who are studying dentistry or attending school in Calgary about the costs they’ve seen, and they say around 1k would be total, including crowns/bridges, etc.

Canadians pay about CAD400-800 for one tooth implant (average cost of an implant). It’s expensive, but you can get this money back after some years because the government allows every citizen to take out loans for this purpose.

I just had four implants put in, spanning the top of my mouth to replace missing teeth. The cost was approximately 8000$ because I needed extensive bone grafting, and there were nerve considerations.

The implants themselves were $1000 each, but they had to make two bridges, totaling about 1500$. So, it depends on the number and location of implants needed.

How much does Dental work Actually costs?

The bad news: it is hard to tell you a price for your treatment without knowing more information about you (age, medical conditions, complications with your bite or other teeth, etc.)

The good news: we have been working at our clinic in Ontario, Oakville, for close to 10 years now and can say that most procedures will range between $2,000 – CAD 5,000. You can book your appointment at White Lily Dental.

There are always exceptions. If you have a number of crowns, we might recommend that you consider implanting an abutment and use it as a fixed partial denture (rather than using removable retainers on each tooth).

This option can save hundreds of dollars per crown because the supporting structure we would otherwise make a cast on your existing teeth is no longer necessary.

I paid about US$3000 in Brazil for full mouth dental implants with sedation and local anesthesia (that’s, including eight root canals and two bone grafts).

You should find quality work in Canada at a similar price, but I’m not sure how much dental insurance will cover everything since they differ from plan to plan. Also, this fee is if you are a foreigner coming to get dental work.

I had full mouth implants done at about $5000 for two upper and two lower in Canada. I have no insurance, so that’s what I paid out of pocket.

My dentist says it would be 3500-4500 for four implants, including the bridge. He also said that my teeth aren’t good enough 🙁 oops… Oh well. Maybe next time :^)

The price depends on which city in Canada you live in as well, but if I remember correctly from fellow dentists, the average Canadian implant cost was 5000$ per tooth (or 3000$ per arch). My estimate would be $4071-CAD 6095 for a single tooth implant.

I had two implants done (2014) in BC by an excellent general Dentist. The procedure and the post-care cost me $8,000 for both sides of my mouth.

Dental Implants are costly when you have them done here in Canada, averaging around $3,500 per jaw, which I thought was absurd given that it is not a medical or surgical procedure — just simple surgery to insert an exterior material into your bone.

I would recommend getting quotes from countries like Poland, where they charge only about $2,000 per jaw and then compare with what is offered in Canada – though note that there may be additional fees levied on top of the initial cost incurred at the time of service.

According to Dentist Central in Toronto, the average cost is around CAD 4000 for an implant (total amount broken down by procedure, crowns, and impression fees).

I’ve heard from some people I know who have gotten dental work done north of the border that there’s a pretty large discrepancy in prices between offices, so it can be frustrating when you’re trying to compare different quotes.

Depending on how much work will done, it could range anywhere between a few thousand dollars up to more than ten grand depending on where you go, so I’d recommend asking around to some local offices and getting a few quotes from them (and doing your research beforehand).

I paid AUS$1500 for my lower six dental implants done as a full mouth rehab through Dental Solutions who I found out later are owned by Aspen Orthodontics out here in Vancouver, BC, where I live.

So, there’s a definite way to save money! My dentist did not give me any quotes beforehand as it was all pre-arranged through the parent company.

My local dentist also did a mock-up model to show me exactly what position my new teeth would occupy when he took out my old ones and placed the new ones.

Cheaper than Canada, but not cheap. I paid about CAD 5000 for upper implants and bridges. This is in Alberta. Most dentists will throw in a few free crowns here and there to come in under that mark.

The staff was beautiful, though! Although I have had to pay more money down the road for additional services like nightguards as they don’t cover those here, I am delighted with my results. Weird, eh?

Another thing, in Winnipeg, you need to see a periodontist because they are the only ones who can do implants after an oral surgeon has done the surgery for extracting your teeth (mine).

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You also have to pay for full general anesthesia, which was about $600 CDN, and then there are the travel costs if you live outside Winnipeg since your dentist can’t do them.