How to Get Rid of Pimples fast – 10 Home Remedies for Acne

How to Get Rid of Pimples

How to Get Rid of Pimples fast

Here are ten Home Remedies to get rid of pimples fast (Acne), although they may have limited research supporting their effectiveness for this purpose.

Dealing with acne is the most common problem, mostly teenagers and youth face this problem. The pimple will be like a nightmare for every girl. This pop-up gives an ugly feeling. Different age groups face this problem but youth face the most. 

Teenager and youth mostly face this problem because of the natural changes in life. Mental and physical changes also change many things. Acne is one of the. I

If we will not treat acne properly or didn’t care properly, we will have to deal with the consequences. Because sometimes pimples left a black spot and too many pimples left ugly holes in the skin that makes skin rough. So start taking care if you find a start of pimples. 

What Cause pimples?

When pores of your skin locked with oil and dead skin cells pimples pop-ups. There are many factors by which pimples generate.

Genetics- If your father, mother or grandfather or any person in the family have this problem? Sometimes it happens that you too suffer from the same. Many times the genetic problem occurs.

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Diet- What you are eating! is also the reason for pimples. If you are eating too many oily foods, its effect the skin and get pimpled. So don’t go for too much oily food.

Stress- Another reason for pimple is stress, too much stress occurs the problem. Make your mink stress free to come out with pimples.

Hormone Changes- Most of the time hormonal changes are the main reason for pimples. Hormonal changes mostly come in teenagers and mostly at that time youngsters suffer from acne.

Infection-  If you got some infection or allergy pimples pop up.

If you have more problem with pimples consult a skin specialist for medication. There are many treatments available in the market from face wash to ache cream, lets see some home remedies to cure pimples.

1. Apple cider vinegar

This is a fermenting apple cider, or you can say unfiltered juice from crushed apples. We can use apple vinegar for acne but before you go to apply it face, check in your hand as sometimes different skin types have felt some problem.

How to use it

Take a bowl and mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar and 3 parts of water, if you have sensitive skin to can increase the water portion.

Apply the mixture on the skin with a cotton ball and leave it for 5-20 seconds, wash your face and pat dry.

You can repeat this process 1-2 times a day according to your problem. Apple cider vinegar helps to kill acne-causing bacteria and also helps to reduce scars.

2. Take a zinc supplement

Zinc is an important supplement, which helps in cells growth, hormone production, immune function and metabolism.

Some research says that people suffering from acne have a lower level of zinc in their blood than those with clear skin.

There are many sources by which you can intake zinc element. Do not go for too much zinc because too much zinc can cause stomach pain and gut irritation.

3. Make a honey and cinnamon mask

Honey and cinnamon fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Honey helps to block the growth of pimples and kills acne.

Do not use honey after cleaning by soap because this will give no effect of honey on your face. While honey and cinnamon reduce acne because of their anti-bacterial properties.

How to use

Take a bowl and mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and mix well to make a paste. After cleansing, apply this paste on your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Now rinse it properly and pat your face.

Honey and cinnamon have antibacterial properties to fight acne, it all depends on the sky type.

4. Tea tree oil

Tea oil also helps to cure acne. This oil extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia. This tree is mostly found in Australia. Studies found that tea tree oil helps to reduce acne. This oil is very potent, dilute before using it.

How to use it

Take a bowl and mix a little part (2 to 3 drops) of tea tree oil and add water. You can measure 1 part of tea oil and 9 parts of water.

Apply on your face in the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Do this process 1 to 2 times a day to get a good result. Tree oil has anti-bacterial properties, Appling regularly may reduce acne.

5. Apply green tea to your face

Drinking green tea also helps for good health and help to decrease pimples. It is high in antioxidants.

It helps in acne because it has polyphenols that help to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. You can also apply green tea directly to your face. This helps from acne.

You can also go for cream and lotion available in the market that contains green tea. But if you can make your mixture at home will give more effect.

How to use

Take a green tea and boil it for 3-4 minutes. Let the tea to be cool down. Apply it on your face will the boll or make it spray on your face, let it dry, wash your face and pat dry. Green tea helps to fight bacteria, it contains antioxidants that help to reduce acne

6. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is good for health and skin. Aloe vera is a plant that produces a clear gel. Many companies use this gel to make lotion, creams, ointments and soaps. 

It is also used for hair treatment. Aloe vera contains Salicylic acid and sulfur, which are uses for acne treatment.

How to use it

Take out the aloe vera gel with the help of a spoon, and mix a jell properly and apply this gel to your face. Leave it if you are comfortable with it.

You can also mix it with any face cream you are using or can be used with other skin treatment. Use 1 to 2 times a day.

Aloe vera cream is good for a treat to burn, heal wounds, and fight inflammation. It is good for anti-acne.

There is also Ayurveda treatment that you can easily apply at home.

Ayurveda is India old treatment. In Ancient India, Ayurveda is used for any type of illness. Ayurveda has no side effects; this treatment is used from natural sources.

Let’s see how we can treat a pimple with ayurvedic treatment.


Neem is full of antibacterial properties. Neem is very good for pimples and makes your skin clear. Applying neem leaves regularly to make your skin healthy.

Make a paste of neem and add rose water to make a pack and apply it to your face. Put it for 5 minutes and later rinse and tap-up.

8. Manjishta (Indian Madder)

Munjishta is the super solution for resolving all skin woes, sunburn, scars, acne, and dryness. This is a madder tree powder that you can get from any Ayurveda shop. 

Mix Some powder with aloe vera gel and dab it on your face. Wash after some time. You will feel the clear and shining skin. And slowly your skin will be free of pimples.

9. Jatiphala (Nutmeg)

Nutmeg is an anti-inflammatory compound, that solves acne, scars and down the melanin synthesis. 

Take a Nutmeg powder and mix it with honey, lemon juice is an excellent natural remedy for uneven skin tone, pimples and redness.

10. Giloy (Heart-leaved Moonseed) 

Giloy has a quality of Vata and Kapha balancing abilities. It also has a detoxifying quality which is an excellent solution for pimple. 

Mix make a paste of giloy leaves and tap it on the acne portion. Remove after some time. Do this 2 times a day for a good result. This homemade treatment will help you find a way from pimple removal. 

Many medicines on the market also work for pimples. You can also go for that. If you are suffering from uncontrollable pimples, consult a skin specialist for better treatment.

How to remove pimple overnight?

To get rid of acne overnight, many companies in the market make solutions that have good results over pimples like Niacid 50ml Universal complexion distillate, or you can also go for a home remedy of Nutmeg paste with honey for overnight pimple removal.

How do you quickly get rid of a pimple?

Nothing can give a quick result from pimples but an Indian Madder powder pack with aloe vera gel will stop the pimple to get prominent on your face. Use it 2 to 3 times a day for a good result.

How can I remove pimples from my face?

You can remove your face pimples with home remedies, or you can go for few treatments, like apple cedar vinegar for the removal of pimples. If you are suffering from over pimples, consult a skin specialist for better treatment.

Can eating habits help to recover from pimples?

Yes, eating habits are the main reason for the pimples. Too much oily and outside food help to pop up pimples on your face. So, eat less oily to save your skin from pimples.

Is oily skin having more chances of pimples than dry skin?

Yes, oily skin has more chances for pimples than dry skin. Oily skin attracts dust and gets pimples easily.

One more important thing is to drink more water, Water clean-up your stomach and make you feel fresh. The stomach is the main reason for almost all problems. So drink more water for fewer pimples.

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