How To Open Domino’s Pizza Franchise in India: Business Idea

pizza franchise Opportunity

How to Start Domino’s Pizza Franchise in India?

Domino’s Pizza is one of the most popular pizza chains in India. The company has experienced a steady growth since its inception in 2010, and currently operates over 200 stores all across the country.

And that number continues to grow with each passing year. Domino’s Pizza is projected to open another 100 stores by 2020, which will bring their total count to 300 stores nationwide.

There are several reasons why Domino’s Pizza has become so successful in India: they offer affordable prices; they have a wide variety of products on their menu; and it doesn’t cost much for them to start up because there are not many regulations when it comes to opening a restaurant business here (India).

That means if you want to be your own boss but don’t know how to start your own business, you can open up a pizza franchise in India.

But before you jump the gun and sign the dotted line, you should know what it takes to be successful in this industry.

That’s why we’re writing this article about How To Open Domino’s Pizza Franchise in India.

We’ll cover every topic you’ll need to know, from how much does a Domino’s franchise cost? And is Domino’s Pizza profitable? eligibility, investment, location, expenses, and support.

Let’s jump right into it.

How To Open Domino’s Pizza Franchise in India: Step by Step Guide

1) Deciding which city to open your franchise store in

This is the first and most important step you should take if you want to open up a Domino’s Pizza franchise, because the location of your store will determine your success or failure.

Before you approach any prospective partners (or investors) to ask for their financial support, first make sure that there are enough Domino’s Pizza locations around the city. Why?

Because if there aren’t any stores in the vicinity, then people in that area won’t have much of an appetite for pizza.

So when you’re asking them to invest in your store, they might just say “No”. So before you even go looking for funding, it’s best if you do your research.

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You can use Google Maps’ street view feature to scout potential locations for your Domino’s Pizza franchise.

While you’re at it, please note that the lease costs might be high in some areas, so if possible try finding a place where you can buy your own property and build your store on it.

Or maybe even better: become a part-owner of a shopping mall or building. This will also give you the opportunity to build your business gradually (acquiring more locations over time).

Organizing a Domino’s Pizza franchise is an expensive affair. You need to invest in equipment, training, and marketing materials.

If you’re able to strike a good deal with the property owner, then this step will help save some money for other things.

Domino’s franchise cost in India

If you’re wondering how much does a Domino’s franchise cost, then here are the numbers: Area required: 200-300 sq ft.

Investment: ₹ 20 lakhs to ₹ 50 lakhs (₹ 2 million to 5 million) Franchise Fee: ₹ 1 crore (₹ 10 million) Working Days Required: 6 days a week

2) Working with a Franchisee Development Manager

In India, Domino’s Pizza has appointed some of the best entrepreneurs to manage their franchise.

These people have been through everything from start-up to growth. And they’ll be a huge help when it comes to running your business properly.

They’ll provide you training and support throughout the day-to-day operations of your store.

3) There’s a lot of paperwork involved

If you thought opening a Domino’s Pizza franchise was going to be easy because it doesn’t require much investment, then think again.

You’ll need to fill out dozens of forms and sign a bunch of documents before they start building your store.

4) Ground Breaking Ceremony

Once you’ve signed the paperwork, it’s time for the ground breaking ceremony. A representative from Domino’s Pizza will come down to your location and give a brief speech on how excited they are about working together.

After that you can go ahead and start building your store to get it ready for the grand opening.

Now this isn’t something cheap, because if you want a nice place to work in, then you need to invest anywhere between ₹ 1 lakhs to ₹ 5 lakhs (₹ 100000 – 500000)

5) Franchise Training

When it comes to pizza, not just anyone can start making them. You’ll need to take part in a 2-day training course so you have the skills needed to make your store successful.

6) Grand Opening

The grand opening is one of the most important days in any business’ history. There are other stores around you that will be competing for the same pool of customers.

So you’ve got to make sure that your store looks nice, has enough supplies, and very importantly, has the best tasting food around.

7) Recognition Day

Domino’s Pizza will recognize companies which are running successful stores. This is one of those moments when you’ll want to show off your success.

You can expect to get awards for having the best food (Hottest Pizza, Best Value For Money), the most effective marketing (Most Flyers Distributed) and of course, great customer service (Best Team Member).

Is Domino’s Pizza profitable?

Yes. Is opening a Domino’s Pizza franchise profitable? It sure is!

If you’re still reading this article then it means you want to know is Domino’s Pizza profitable?

The answer is “yes”. Domino’s is a fast food franchise that has been around since 1960, and in more than 40 years have expanded to have more than 10 000 stores worldwide.

In India alone, their franchises employ over 4000 people and generate revenue of ₹ 1000 crores every year.

And there you have it, these are the 7 steps you need to take when opening a Domino’s Pizza franchise in India.

Now you’re probably wondering how much does a Domino’s franchise cost, and how do I open my own store?

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Well that information is not available to the public due to strict agreements between franchisees and their development managers.

So if you want to know how much does a Domino’s franchise cost in India, you’ll have to contact them directly. All you need is your phone, their contact info and a little bit of time.

If you like pizza, then what better way to invest in your future than opening a Domino’s Pizza franchise.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, Domino’s is an international chain that specializes in delivery and carry-out pizzas.

As such, it has franchises all over the world including India! So if you want to open up a successful business while enjoying quality food on the regular, this may be for you.

Here we will go step by step through how to start your own Domino’s Pizza franchise in India! To learn more about our franchisee details please visit

The first step to opening a Domino’s Pizza franchise in India is determining if there are any locations available.

You can contact the company through their website or by phone, and they will be able to help you with that process.

Once you have found an opportunity for your restaurant location, it’s time to take steps towards becoming a pizzeria owner.

This includes getting financing approved, submitting all necessary paperwork, and securing property rights for your business’ future home.

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Make sure to do everything required so that when you open up shop, customers know who runs the show!

How can I get franchise of Domino’s?

The Domino’s Pizza franchise is one of the most famous and loved chains in India. With a successful history, it has now become possible to open your own store by following these 7 steps: 

  1. Apply for franchising
  2. You will be contacted within 24 hours with an application form
  3. Fill out the application form according to instructions
  4. Pay registration fee
  5. Submit documents required
  6. Get approval from Domino
  7. Start operating your business!

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