How to start frozen green peas business in India
If you want to do profitable small business then frozen green peas business is right for you. You can start frozen green peas business in a small room with a job. Huge earnings will be up to 10 times the cost.
Business Idea: Although there is always, a demand for frozen green peas, but in winter the demand for this product goes away.
We are giving you such a business idea, from which you can make good profit as soon as you start it. Frozen green peas business is such a business, which has very low cost and earning is very good.
In this business idea we are going to tell you about frozen green peas business. You can earn good money in this business. First, you have to buy peas from farmers and start your small business.
There is a demand for frozen green peas throughout the year but it is available only in winter.
In this business, first of all buy lots of frozen green peas at wholesale price. How much you have to buy peas will depend on how big business you want to do.
You need to get an idea of how many frozen motors you can sell in a year, based on market research and your experience.
You can start frozen peas business from even a small room in your house. For this you need to have 300 to 500 square feet of space. However, if you want to do frozen green peas business on a large scale, then 3000 to 4000 square feet of space will be required.
At the same time, some laborers will be needed to peel the green peas after starting the frozen green peas business.
If you want to do this business on a large scale, then you will need pea peeling machines.
Some licenses will also be required to do frozen green peas business.
You can get 40-70 percent profit in the business of frozen peas. You can get green peas from farmers for Rs 10-12 per kg.
Generally, about 1 kg of grains are produced in two kg of green peas. The price of peas in the market is Rs 20 per kg.
You can process peas and sell them in bulk for Rs 100 to 120 per kg.
If you sell packets of frozen green peas directly to retailer, you can sell for Rs 200 per kg pack.
Learn how to make frozen peas
First of all, peas are peeled to make frozen peas. After all the peas are peeled, the peas are boiled at a temperature of about 90 degrees centigrade.
After the peas are boiled thoroughly, the grains are kept in cold water up to 3-5 degree centigrade, so that the bacteria found in it are killed.
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Then, the green peas are kept at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. Then the peas can be packed in packets of different weights and sold in the market.