Online PDF Editors vs Desktop Installed PDF Editors: Pros & Cons

Online PDF Editors

When it comes to PDF editing, there are two main options: online PDF editors or desktop-installed PDF editors.

Both have their own set of pros and cons, which can make it difficult to decide which is the best option for you.

In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of both online and desktop PDF editors. Whether you want to write on pdf, add an image, signature, etc. these points could help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Online PDF editor vs Desktop installed PDF editor

Now let’s look at some of the points of comparison between the two types of editors:

1. Editing features provided

When it comes to the editing features offered, both online and desktop PDF editors offer a wide range of options.

However, online PDF editors typically offer more advanced features than their desktop counterparts. This is because online PDF editors are constantly evolving and adding new features, while desktop PDF editors tend to be more static.

Some of the common editing features offered by both online and desktop PDF editors include:

  • Adding or removing text
  • Adding or removing images
  • Resizing or rotating pages
  • Splitting or merging PDFs
  • Converting PDFs to other file formats

In addition, many online PDF editors also offer features such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which allows you to edit scanned PDFs, and the ability to sign documents electronically.

Generally speaking, if you need more advanced editing features, an online PDF editor is likely to be your best bet. However, if you only need basic editing features, a desktop PDF editor will probably suffice.

2. Memory needs

Another important point to consider is the memory needs of each type of editor. Online PDF editors usually have lower memory requirements than desktop PDF editors, as they are typically hosted on a remote server and can be used on any web browser. This means that you can use them even if you have an older computer or a slow internet connection.

Desktop PDF editors, on the other hand, need to be installed on your computer and typically require more memory than online PDF editors.

This is because they need to load all of the PDF editing features onto your computer, which can take up a lot of space.

If you are concerned about the amount of memory being used by your PDF editor, an online PDF editor is probably the better option.

3. Data or file security or privacy

When it comes to data or file security and privacy, there is no clear winner between online and desktop PDF editors. This is because both types of editors typically use SSL encryption to protect your files.

However, if you are worried about the security of your files, you may want to consider using a desktop PDF editor, as your files will be stored locally on your computer. This means that only you will have access to them, and they will not be stored on a remote server.

4. Device compatibility

Device compatibility is another important point to consider when choosing a PDF editor. Online PDF editors are typically compatible with all devices, as they can be accessed via any web browser.

This means that you can use them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Desktop PDF editors, on the other hand, are usually only compatible with one type of devices, such as a computer or laptop.

This is because they need to be installed on the device, and not all devices support this. If you need to be able to use your PDF editor on multiple devices, an online PDF editor is probably your best bet.

5. Price

Online PDF editors are mostly free to use, with some offering paid plans for advanced features. Desktop PDF editors, on the other hand, usually come with a one-time fee or monthly fees.

This means that if you are only going to use your PDF editor occasionally, an online PDF editor is probably the better option. However, if you are going to use your PDF editor regularly, a desktop PDF editor may be worth the investment.

Pros of Online PDF Editors:

  • More advanced features than their desktop counterparts
  • Lower memory requirements
  • Compatible with all devices
  • Mostly free to use

Cons of Online PDF Editors:

  • May have slower response times
  • Files are stored on a remote server, which may not be as secure as storing them locally

Pros of Desktop PDF Editors:

  • More static interface than online editors
  • Usually have more features than their online counterparts
  • Files are stored locally, which may be more secure for some users

Cons of Desktop Installed PDF Editors:

  • One-time fees or monthly fees
  • It may not be as secure as online PDF editors
  • Limited storage space
  • More difficult to use than online PDF editors

some examples of both kinds of PDF editors are:

Online PDF editors:

Desktop Installed PDF editors:

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Nitro Pro
  • PDF Studio
  • Foxit PhantomPDF


So, which is better? Online PDF editors or Desktop installed PDF editors? Ultimately, it depends on your needs. If you need advanced editing features, an online PDF editor is probably your best bet.

However, if you only need basic editing features, a desktop PDF editor will probably suffice. If you are concerned about the amount of memory being used by your PDF editor, an online PDF editor is probably the better option.

And if you need to be able to use your PDF editor on multiple devices, an online PDF editor is probably your best bet.

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However, if you are going to use your PDF editor regularly, a desktop PDF editor may be worth the investment.