Over a cup of tea, Kaushal Shah transforms dreams into reality @ Property Kitli

Kaushal Shah - Property Kitili

Kaushal Shah, an entrepreneur by the mind, a philanthropist by heart. Born in 1973, in a middle-class Jain family in Ahmedabad, Kaushal Shah, the founder of the Property Kitli, believes in the power of dreams. Property Kitli is one of the real estate companies in Ahmedabad. Do you wish to learn a sure shot success formula? Well, then it’s simple! Just a hot cup of brewing masala chai is enough to melt his heart, and his wisdom gained from the years of experience will be all yours. 

If you feel defeated at any phase of your life, just an exchange of a few words with this passion-driven man can drastically transform your life. At Sugermint, Initiated by Ahmedabad Business Pages (ABP), we got the opportunity to learn more about this bold hearted man who has the invincible power to transform lives.  

Property Kitli, the name itself evokes the curiosity. Can you please explain to us what is it about?

“We all have dreams. Dreams of traveling abroad, studying at one of the best universities, starting one’s own business, etc. But, if you delve deeper into the life of a common man or any person for that matter, the primary goal will be to have one’s own home. I will not call that a house, but a home where a person finds his comfort zone. A home where he comes after a stressful day at work to find peace and make memories with his family. 

Property Kitili

But, the real challenge is to have one’s own home! These days, due to cultural barriers or shortages in affordable housing, it is extremely difficult to find a home of one’s dreams that fulfills all the requirements. Hence, these common man’s woes inspired me to start Property Kitli where through a smart investment strategy we help the right people to find the right property at the right time in Gujarat.

Today, I can proudly say that Property Kitli has helped a large number of people easily buy their dream homes where they are happily living with their families.” 

We have heard a lot about your motivational program- ‘Sapne Sach Hote Hain’. Can you please throw some light on it?

“Every single person has a dream. However, not everyone has the daring to achieve them or something they aren’t capable enough to realize their dreams. I, myself, am a living example of a person who failed multiple times, yet each time, I stood up with more confidence to again pursue my dreams. For fulfilling dreams, we lack focus. Youngsters, these days, get easily influenced by their peers or celebrities, not understanding that the road to success is different for everyone. The formula that worked for your friend cannot work for you. Because you are different and your talents are different too. 

Sometimes, they set high goals and when they fail to achieve them, they are completely demotivated. At my program, Sapne Sach Hote Hain, I give young entrepreneurs as well as the struggling businessmen, the lessons on how to apply the secret of dreams to achieve success pragmatically.”

Yes, very true, the route to success is different and so should be everyone’s approach. What is your recipe of success?

“I come from a very humble background. I too basic education from a small village called Viramgam which is 70 kms away from Ahmedabad. And, I always aspired to be an entrepreneur. The road wasn’t smooth but my faith in my dreams was unwavering. It was a journey full of lessons for me. I must say that life educated me to become a strong-willed person. The people whom I trusted blindly cheated on me financially and had to suffer huge financial losses. However, every grey cloud has a silver lining. Those people who betrayed, I won’t call them bad, they were my teachers who taught me the rules of success the hard way. 

And, along with those kinds of people, I was always supported by my family and a few close friends. They were my real strength who made me believe in myself when I had hit rock bottom. So, I would say my recipe for success is “When you try hard, leave no room for disappointment because success is bound to come sooner or later.”

Investment is the key essence at Property Kitli. What advice pertaining to investment in life will you like to give to today’s youngsters?

I would say you should save almost 60 to 70 percent of what you earn. It is necessary to start saving at a young age that will reap double rewards in the future. Investing in different securities is crucial, however, investing in real estate ensures a great future ahead. Parents and guardians should teach both their daughters and sons the significance of investing.

Habits formed at a young age goes a long way, and this helps in building a progressive community, society, city and nation at large.

However, this doesn’t mean that one should stop living their dreams and just invest. But, for example, if you are buying a luxury item worth Rs. 10,000, then keep aside Rs. 10,000 more as a saving. One should have savings that can help them survive for at least a year in case of no earnings at all.

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One more thing I would like to emphasise is that being poor or rich isn’t about one’s economic condition but more about a state of mind. Knowledge, dedication towards one’s work and smart approach towards things, all these help a lot in building a successful empire.

Any message that you would like to give to our fellow Entrepreneurs?

“Only one thing, Sapne Sach Hote Hain!! Dream every day, because you are born as a human and you have the privilege to dream and achieve, make the most of it.”