PM Narendra Modi Pays Tribute To Rabindranath Tagore
New Delhi, May 10, 2023 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a unique tribute to the legendary poet, author, and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore on his 162nd birth anniversary today.
In a surprise move, the Prime Minister recited Tagore’s famous poem “Where the Mind is Without Fear” in his signature style during an event at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The Prime Minister’s recital of the poem was met with thunderous applause from the audience, which included members of the diplomatic corps, government officials, and eminent personalities from the arts and literature community. The recital was followed by a special cultural program that featured performances based on Tagore’s works.
Speaking at the event, the Prime Minister said, “Rabindranath Tagore’s works continue to inspire us even today, more than a century after he wrote them.
His message of unity, peace, and universal brotherhood is more relevant than ever in today’s world, which is grappling with several challenges.”
He added, “Tagore was not only a poet but also a philosopher, a musician, a painter, and an educationist.
He was a true polymath who left an indelible mark on our culture and society. We must strive to preserve his legacy and promote his works among future generations.”
The Prime Minister also announced that the government would set up a National Tagore Centre to promote research, education, and cultural activities related to Tagore and his works.
The Centre would be established in collaboration with leading universities and cultural institutions across the country.
The event concluded with the Prime Minister unveiling a portrait of Tagore at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The portrait, painted by a renowned artist, captures the essence of Tagore’s personality and his contribution to the Indian cultural heritage.
The Prime Minister’s tribute to Tagore has been widely appreciated by the literary and cultural community, who have hailed it as a unique and heartfelt gesture.
Tagore, who was born on May 7, 1861, continues to be one of the most revered figures in Indian literature and culture.
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