The Gixxer costs Rs 1,11,871, while the Gixxer SF is priced at Rs 1,21,871. The company has priced the Gixxer SF MotoGP Edition at Rs 1,22,900. Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt. Ltd launches BS-VI compliant GIXXER and GIXXER SF series of motorcycles which are powered by a 155cc engine capable of generating power of 13.6ps.
Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt. Ltd, on Wednesday, launched its BS-6 engine Jixar motorcycle series. Its ex-showroom price in Delhi will start from Rs 1.12 lakh, which will go up to Rs 1.23 lakh.
Under the Jixar Series, the Suzuki Motorcycle has introduced two models Jixar and Jixar SF, which are powered by 155 cc engines. The company said in its statement that the 155 cc engine is capable of generating 13.6 PS of power.
The Gixar costs Rs 1,11,871, while the Gixar SF is priced at Rs 1,21,871. The price of Gixar SF MotoGP Edition is priced at Rs 1,22,900. Koichiro Hirao, managing director of Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt. Ltd. said that Suzuki Motorcycle India plans to grow very fast with its flagship brand, Jixar.
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Both the Mixer SF and the Mixer BS-6 standard are compatible. He said that the mixer Motorcycle made keeping in mind the Indian consumers. The model is now more environment-friendly and without compromising on overall power and performance.