What Does a Zen Lifestyle Mean?

Zen Lifestyle

“Zen” is a concept. And it’s also beneficial to both the brain and body. While we may have inevitably explored mindfulness exercises, adding a bit of more Zen in our life can go a long way, physically and mentally. Zen can help alleviate stress and anxiety. It’s also a way that we can practice self-care.

However, what is Zen really about? Zen is about inner peace. It is about meditation. And it is also a concept that reexamines how we live our lives.

Ways that we can add Zen to our lifestyle include the following:

The Meaning

Zen indicates meditation. Ironically, it is a word of Chinese origin. The concept itself of Zen is Japanese.

However, it is becoming more popular in the West. Zen, also known as zazen, is rooted in Buddhist psychology, where you can regulate your thought patterns.

These involve thinking but not thinking anything. The Zen touch and philosophy help us derive inspiration from Zen meditation and cultivate the practice into our routine to bring peace, tranquility, and mindfulness.

Moreover, the Zen principles can help people detach from attachment and be more mindful of the present.

Early Rise

Early rising might only be for some. And it’s also one of those Zen lifestyle touches that is easier said than done.

Mornings can be hard, and that is because dreamland is more pleasant than real life. Let’s be real, though: we all have had floppy-arm syndrome at least once.

However, early rising does come with perks. Every day does begin after we get out of bed. That’s also why it’s often the first decision with a Zen lifestyle to wake up early.

However, getting up early means you can accomplish a lot of things. It’s also going to set you down for a more productive day.

Want a Zen environment around you, too? Then you can check out Prana villas!


Moving around might sound so daunting. However, it is important, and we can do more of it! Many of us own gym memberships that we underutilize or have dust-collecting exercise paraphernalia.

The motivation to move can be daunting. And the more you think about it, the less motivating it can get.

However, it doesn’t mean you must pump iron for a marathon. Any exercise is great for your brain. According to the Harvard Medical School, a study indicates exercise helps memory and cognitive function.

Moreover, exercise can be great for releasing stress and tension. While working on your muscles, you’re giving your mind a break.

You can start small by doing light yoga. You may even enjoy a jog around the block. If it sounds so troublesome, then you can take a walk.

You can do it 20-30 minutes every other day. By making it a habit, you can contribute some lightness of the mind to your day.

Go at your own pace!


Decluttering is a prioritization exercise. It’s also part of the Zen lifestyle: one about clarity and looking beyond materialism.

It all sounds airy-fairy, but look at the science of a clean environment! However, the question has to be asked: is there even a messy Zen environment?

One favorite method of decluttering is the KonMari method. She is a professional cleaner and organizing consultant.

She also has a healthy approach to cleaning and decluttering. The basis of her cleaning method refers to whether they are useful and make you happy, which is pretty good!

Wrapping Up

Overall, Zen is about keeping things in your mind clear. It is also about living in the present.

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