Yash Dubal, Director at A Y & J Solicitors
At Sugermint Media, our aim is to bring to our entrepreneurs community some of the inspiring and motivational stories from the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
As part of this endeavour, we invited yet another passionate entrepreneur Yash Dubal, Director at A Y & J Solicitors, Best UK Immigration Lawyers in London for an exclusive interview with us.
Tell us a little about yourself
Yash Dubal: I grew up in India, in a small, remote village in the state of Gujarat. My father was a driver. He died when I was 17 so my mother started working to support me and my two younger siblings.
We lived in a one-bedroom apartment. The experience of poverty made me determined to strive and succeed in life.
After completing my Computer Engineering degree in India in 2002, prospects were limited and I wanted a better life.
A friend had left for the UK and my family encouraged me to go too, but I could not afford the UK visa fees.
Fortunately, a cousin lent me £1500 and I arrived in the UK in May 2003, on my own with no contacts and no support.
Within 15 days, I started working and became self-sustained. I managed to save £50 to send to my mother so she could buy the first fridge she’d ever owned.
Today, with the help of a great team, I am very proud of running a multi-award-winning, Legal 500 specialised UK immigration law firm A Y & J Solicitors in London. We have served 4000+ clients and have 1000+ clients’ testimonials at Trustpilot and Google.
How did you get your idea or concept for this Immigration business?
Yash Dubal: Having completed the complex UK visa application system myself, I realised how difficult the process was and started to help other friends and family members who wished to come to the UK to work and study. From there it was a natural progression to expand and start to help businesses.
What service(s) do you offer at A Y & J Solicitors?
Yash Dubal: A Y & J Solicitors offers a full UK visa advice and application service. We facilitate UK visas for overseas people and their families so that they can live, work in the UK and/or get their settlement/British passport.
What is unique about your business?
Yash Dubal: My background and experience make me uniquely placed in the UK legal sector to understand the needs and challenges of our clients.
We pride ourselves in providing fast, bespoke UK immigration solutions using cutting edge technology and the team of superior lawyers who believe work with an ‘In it to Win it’ approach.
What made you choose Immigration Service business?
Yash Dubal: The UK offers so much for migrants, and migrants offer the UK so much in return. People don’t uproot themselves from their homelands lightly.
It involves physical, emotional and commercial challenges. I feel a duty to help those who come here because they want to better their lives.
What was your mission at the outset?
Yash Dubal: For as long as I can remember, I was determined to create a better life for myself and my family, no matter what.
This mindset is shared by so many migrants from similar backgrounds. Now, I want to help others with the experience, expertise and knowledge I have gained so far by providing the fastest, most convenient and valuable UK immigration advice and services.
How many employees in your organization?
Yash Dubal: We have a team of 20 people
What’s your company’s goals?
Yash Dubal: Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal is to become the Amazon of UK immigration providing the fastest, most convenient and cheapest UK immigration advice and services.
How do you build a successful customer base?
Yash Dubal: We treat each client – and each case – with respect and professionalism. Our clients consistently recommend us after experiencing the best customer service in the industry.
We share quality, valuable and relevant UK immigration tips and advice via social media channels (mainly YouTube), a regular newsletter, and our website. This is available free to everyone.
What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
Yash Dubal: I do not see anything that happened in life and business to date as a failure, but a lesson learned. I have learned to be more consistent, more resilient and to be detached from the outcome but never give up.
Who has been your greatest inspiration?
Yash Dubal: Mingyur Rinpoche and Narendra Modi.
What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?
Yash Dubal: In hindsight, I would say, I started investing in self-development a little late.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Yash Dubal: Read more (whatever is relevant to your goal), practice mindfulness (be more resilient), remain consistent. Keep moving forward.
Does your company help the community or society?
Yash Dubal: Giving back to the community is one of my passions. I have completed the London Marathon for Pratham, which works to tackle education gaps in India and completed a multi-terrain run to raise money for the British Red Cross.
I am also a mentor for many SMEs regarding obtaining and keeping a UK Sponsor Licence and recruiting the right skilled employees.
We help a charity named ‘Skillwise’ in South Africa with regular yearly donations to up-skill adults so they get into work.
We hope you find the inspiring interview of Yash Dubal, Director, A Y & J Solicitors useful and inspiring through your entrepreneurial journey and will keep you inspired.
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Website: https://ayjsolicitors.com